I cried on the way home last night for all I'm not and all I am and all I want to be. It was really silly, because I don't have big problems like cancer or surgery or death, but all the little things can be overwhelming too. I was listening to the acoustic cover of Hey ya and I just kept picturing this dance I wanted to do...but I don't feel adventurous enough or brave enough to do it anywhere and this brought on sobs. I wanted to scream but couldn't do that either which brought on more sobs. Don't ask me what's wrong with me...I wouldn't know where to start.
1 comment:
the hardest battles we fight come from within. (end cliché)
the things i tell myself i can't do are the ones i usually end up regretting. so what i try to do, try being the key word, is do all the things i don't want to do.
if you want to dance like a freak, do it. i didn't want to sing karaoke, but i felt compelled to see what it was like. i did it. it was hard to get up there and show my true colors to a bunch of strangers but it was the most fun i've had in a long time.
as john locke says, "don't tell me what i can't do."
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