Okay, I've been quiet about this for long enough. I know, I am not yet a mother and therefore do not understand the plight of families who need to do their grocery shopping...but come on! The sudden appearance of what I like to call "brain-drain" mobiles at Meijers apalls me. Shows like the teletubbies and the wiggles seem creepy to me anyway, but now, for an hour of peace and hassle-free shopping and for the low low price of $1.00, parents are sacrificing their children's brain cells by forcing them to watch these shows while they shop.
Have you seen these things?! I'm not exaggerating when I say they remind me of The Riddler's brain sucking television device in
Batman Forever. I think it's sick...do you understand how many learning experiences there are to be had with your child in a grocery store?? And we're strapping kids in and satisfied by the puddle of drool that forms as their minds are idly occupied. Do I think that parents are ALWAYS interested in providing "learning experiences" for their children?? NO. Do I understand what it's like to do my grocery shopping with children?? NO. But I can't help but feel that there must be a better way.
I saw one of those carts for the first time last week. Ridiculous.
I agree. Either the parents don't care what the children watch, the parent doesn’t care to interact or communicate with the children, or the parent can't say no or won't say no and just spoils the children. Those reasons alone will guarantee the downfall of those children jails with tv. The upkeep and replacement fees wouldn't bring a high enough profit margin to keep those things around for too long. Cuz you know the kids of those kinds of parents have no respect for other people's property so just like anything else geared towards, babysitting your child for you, contraptions you see in stores or restaurants. They get destroyed and never fixed or replaced. Not every parent is like that. Some may think they are just a neat idea. I did at first, but I haven't and won't ever actually pay for that. My daughter has more fun people watching and blowing kisses to the occasional stranger she catches the eye of more than she does watching a tv.
ACK! I keep going off into tangents these days... sorry.
I agree - I was disgusted when I saw those things. I came home and ranted at Shedu about them. Granted - there are times when I HATE grocery shopping with the kids but kids still need to learn how to handle themselves in public. Whether they are being sweet or acting up they need to learn what is appropriete and they can't learn that if they are being distracted all the time by a moving television.
Duct tape. How many times do I have to say it.
It's true the tape worked on me but only because he taped my hands behind my back and even then I could eat through the tape.... Mostly its just a deterrent
whoa, you can eat through tape that is taped behind your back? sheeeeeeet, you're flexable!
or you have teeth in your crack... either way that is pure talent!
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