At least I have LOST to look forward to. Some things in life are for sure...and the arrival of the first two discs of season 2 to my mailbox on Wednesday, September 6th better be one of them. I've got it all planned out. We hold onto our last pre-LOST movies until we can send them both out on Saturday the 2nd. That way they will arrive at the "nearest Netflix facility" on Tuesday, September 5 which also happens to be the release date of season 2 (Monday is labor day and there will be no mail...they almost got me on that one). Our returns will be processed on Tuesday AM and the first 2 LOST discs will be sent Tuesday afternoon arriving Wednesday afternoon to me. Stemshul and I will watch the entire second season by September 16, and then wait again for the season 3 premiere on Wednesday, October 4. Ahhh...the simple things.
i would send on friday. netflix doesn't work on saturdays, so they won't receive the discs until tuesday anyway. if you send on saturday, there is no telling whether the postal service will actually get it to them by tuesday. also, send from a blue mail box before the last pick-up of the day or from the post office mail slot. it's faster than just putting it in your mail box. if you put it in your mail box outside your house, there's a chance it won't ship out from your mail hub until the next day.
i'm glad you brought this up, because i plan on getting the first 3 discs by wednesday.
Wait wait wait...I don't want them to get there too early. So you're saying if I send them Friday, they'll be rec'd by Netflix on Saturday but no one will be there. They'll return from vacation on Tuesday am and process my return and send my discs out???
yes. netflix only processes discs monday-friday. if you get it in the mail by friday, they won't process it until tuesday because of the holiday. if you send it on saturday, there is an off-chance that the mail system will fuck you over and netflix won't get the discs until wednesday. but keep in mind that there is always a chance the mail system will fuck you over.
trust me, though, i've been netflixing for a long time. i know the secrets. they ship tuesday new releases on monday. so, if you have a slot open on monday and the new release at the top of your queue, you have a much better chance of getting that dvd than if you have a slot open on tuesday. having a slot open on tuesday would be too late.
it sucks that monday is labor day, because i'm not sure if my chances of getting those discs are as good. you can be sure that everyone has lost season 2 on their queue.
Well, that's not the one thing that I wanted to be sure of...is it?
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