Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'll be dreaming of chili dogs tonight...

What a great day. The weather was beautiful, albeit a bit chilly. I began my day as I begin most all of my Saturday mornings, freezing my (insert your own obscene word here) off at the ice arena. I again got to teach stroking where I earned myself a bonus $25. I skipped out on teaching hockey cause I had to get home, let the dogs out (who did? ME), and scoot on over to my cousin's bridal shower. Mmmm...delicious food, fun company, and entertaining shower can't miss. It was here that I tasted the best "chex mix" ever. I headed home around 4pm to find my wonderful husband home already from his last day at his current job (he starts a new and improved one on Tuesday). We took the dogs on a lovely walk and then made a taco dinner and ate it outside at our awesome picnic table. We had to run a few errands, such as a successful search for the best "chex mix" ever (which turned out to be Munchies Ultimate Cheddar Mix), and on the way home made a stop at Cook's for some frozen treats, which I'm enjoying now. Mmmm...chocolate malt...I love that it takes at least 5 minutes longer to make my malt than Stemshul's soft serve vanilla cone. That's how you know it's done right.


Ted Torreson said...

Does that cheddar mix have peanuts in it? If it doesn't, I'll have to write some letters.

Unknown said...

Heck yeah, baby! Hand dipped chocolate malt!

Jaime said...

No peanuts...Quaker Squares, "chex", Chester's cheesy bites crackers, crunchy bagel chips, and ROLD GOLD classic tiny twists and sticks. It's delicious...nuts are overrated.

katohater said...

nuts are so overrated.