I am once again just another cog in the mighty machine that is the retail world. The store mgr at the crew is leaving for another store in the mall this week. As a result, they would have been down to two managers and they didn't think 80 hour work weeks sounded very cool so they asked me to help them out for a while. I don't mind being a stand in...it definitely has perks. They were willing to work around my schedule and after the work drought that was student teaching, I can definitely use the money and the hours. Plus I get to work with super cool people every day I'm there. One major downside is that my desire to shop for "stuff" has returned quickly. We get such a great discount and when you constantly see the clothes, you start to imagine that you need them. Now I was perfectly content with what I had when I worked once a month...but the drooling has begun. Don't worry stemshul, I won't act on these feelings...it's just funny how the whole retail industry works. All day long I see people who probably can't afford to shop at our store (let's face it, who could without a discount?) running through in their heads what bill they can hold off paying so they can buy some new pants. Why? Because they're necessary...because they're new...because they have awesome detailing on the inside of the pockets that no one will ever see, but you have to have them because soon they'll be gone. And you will have missed your chance. Hey, I'm not making fun, it's my job to make people believe they need these pants. You need these pants...you need pants...need pants...PANTS!!
I think they put something in the air. The more time you spend at the mall the more you seem to want to buy.
Though I must say I love clearance shopping. If I can get that $40 item for $5-$8 I will try to buy it even if I don't really think I'll use it.
OK OK!!!! I'll take the PANTS! Give me the pants!! I NEED the pants! hehe.
I agree catty, it's just something us woman can't seem to avoid. I haven't been to a mall in forever!! *taking Kyndra to the play thing there SO does not count* ..sniffle...mall...
Yes...it's the sale that gets me too...with my discount I can often get tees and tanks for like 5-7 bucks. I don't need them, don't even have to want them, it's the deal!
They have patchwork madras in the crewcuts. My sister is convinced that she needs them. Yes, it even starts that young. She's only 4.
hmmm...I wonder where she gets it from???
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