9:15 - PE/math
9:45 - social studies?
11:30 - Susan Smith
written on it...not very convincing. So I went next door to one of the other fifth grade teachers to find out if she knew where I might find some plans, or a sub folder, or even some sort of special schedule. She was flabbergasted that the teacher didn't leave anything out...and to be honest, so was I. Turns out he typed them up for me and they just didn't print. He actually left very detailed plans for me that were extremely helpful...first crisis averted. My next crisis to endure, having all three fifth grade classes rotate through my room for science within 90 minutes. The two classes that were not mine were challenging because we had a lot to get through and only 30 minutes to do it in. I couldn't really lay down the law before we got started. The short amount of time turned out to be a blessing as well because thanded out the sudoku puzzles I brought in for them to do when they finished their stories. Some had done sudoku before and they were super excited. I brought 3 different puzzles for them, two 4x4 puzzles - one easy, one medium, and one 9x9 easy puzzle. They liked this. Then I only had about 3 minutes left at the end of the day to draw names for prizes. I should have allowed more time for this because they about up in arms when the bell rang and I had only drawn 4 names...at least they were 4 different names! So day one was a success and everyone on staff was helpful. I almost can't believe I'm going to get paid for the day after so long of having to pay to do the same thing.
i wish i had had a teacher like you. jolly ranchers and sudoku. that's all i need.
Sounds like everything went well for you and the children too. Congrats on finding your "calling" in life.
You go chicka! It sounds like you did great. It must feel really good getting through your first official gig.
I love that picture - btw.
"chicka" is not spelled that way.
spell it "chica" from now on.
i'll be watching you.
Pick a responce to Katos spellchecker:
!. What is normal?
@. Was it 4 centuries or for centuries?
#. She meant chick a. As in Chick A, B or C.
you're right, kato.
your dumb, shedu.
"responce" is not spelled that way.
spell it "response" from now on.
i'll be watching you.
and you won't care.
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