Saturday, February 21, 2009

My name's Jack. I like to punch bad guys and kiss girls.

I love weekends. Today was great. Jack, the blue ninja as Dave's taken to calling him, got me up at 6:00 which is okay because I'm usually up at 5:00. We watched Daddy do his wii fit then we all took a short walk before he left for work. We hung out and played all day, he took some naps, I played some Zelda, we did some Baby Einstein. When Dave got home we took a big 3-miler to the park and back. After that we checked out the inflatable movie screen that had been erected at the pool for the "Dive-In Movie Night" (no, they did not name it that, but they should have). We decided we'd rather have taco-night and watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The tacos were delish (it's a word, I saw it on the cover of Good Housekeeping), the movie had a good nostalgic vibe, and you can't beat the snuggling with Dave and Jack. I only wish Dave didn't have to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ted Torreson said...

He does kinda look like a blue ninja