Monday, December 01, 2008

2nd first day

I went back to work today.  I was actually excited on Sunday and relieved that the anticipation of it all would soon be coming to an end.  This morning Jack woke up around 4:30 and Dave got up with him.  My alarm went off 30 minutes later, just as Jack was going back to I got a kiss and then got up.  Everything was fine, I forgot to make a lunch but my wonderful husband offered to do it before he went back to sleep.  He even got some oatmeal ready for me...sweet.  I ate my oatmeal, started gathering up my things, then I started crying.  It hit me out of nowhere...I was totally fine.  I haven't been away from him for more that like an hour in 8 weeks and now I'm leaving him for over 12!  I got one last weepy kiss and cried my way to the car.  Soon I was okay and the rest of the day went well.  My kids were really excited to see me and we had a definite honeymoon period...we'll see how long that lasts!  Tomorrow I have to leave him with a sitter...someone I trust very much, but it'll still be hard.  She lives across the street from school and will be bringing him by at lunch time!  I'm sure there will be more tears tomorrow.  At least the school days go fast, and I won't have an after school meeting that lasts until 7 for another month.  Only 14 more days until Christmas Break and 2 more full weeks of Jack time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh you are amazing!! Raene's teacher had a baby this year and she can't even drop him off at daycare. She makes her husband do it cuz otherwise she would cry the whole day. Jack is so lucky to have such wonderful parents.

And way to go Dave for being so supportive and helpful!