Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the gnashing of teeth

My aunts and grandma just left.  It was our last round of out-of-town visitors.  I'm left feeling more tired than I felt 5 days ago and relieved that at least I still have two more weeks of Jack time.  Overall, this visit went better than I expected...I have never spent this much time with my aunts and grandma at once and I didn't know how that would go.  It went well.  Tonight however, was a different story.  They went to the Grand Canyon yesterday and returned today.  They leave tomorrow and we wanted to have them over for dinner and to say our goodbyes.  They arrived here when they said they would and seemed to have enjoyed their trip.  The evening started with Bishop biting my aunt on the forehead.  A nice big gash that may need stitches.  I think she felt as bad as I did because she has a "protective" dog at home and thought she should have known better.  I still feel awful.  Jack had been fussy all day and this evening was no different.  He slept (mostly) while we were eating, but started to wind up again once we were done.  So, I was subjected to a barrage of questions from my other aunt and grandma.  They included, but are not limited to:

Is he hungry?
Does he need to be changed?
Maybe he needs to be burped?
Do you think he has a tummy ache?
What does the doctor/your book say about feeding him so often?
Maybe he needs his pipe (pacifier)?
Do you think it's related to the formula?
Have you tried putting him to sleep?
Have you tried walking with him?
Can I try walking with him?
Does he spit up every time you feed him?
Do you think he's having a reaction to the formula?
Is it really hard for you to see him crying?
Have you tried laying him across your lap?
Do you ever take his temperature?
Have his bowel movements been regular today?
When do you usually change him?
Do you go on errands with him?
(he sneezes once) Oh, maybe he has a cold?
Did he sleep today?
Did he have some alone time?

I know they're just trying to be helpful, and I know they mean well, but I do just fine all day without them.  And, here's a question:  Do you think I'm actually able to calm my child down while you're firing a thousand questions at me?  I'm not neglecting him, there is nothing wrong with him, babies cry...a lot.  They get over-stimulated easily, and it doesn't help that there are five people talking at the same time and everyone in the room is tense.  Yes, you can hold him and feel free to try and calm him down.  Just as long as you take that tone out of your voice that suggests I'm not doing everything I can to soothe his cries.  And stop feeling sorry for me and don't say things like, "at least some things are going well."  It's all going well!  We can handle a couple of fussy days, it doesn't mean he's not a good baby!  I'm pretty sure I'm not very coherent right now...I couldn't even say these things out loud...I guess that's what my blog's for.


Jen said...

since when does a baby need alone time? since when does a baby 6 weeks old need alone time? dont they hate alone time?

yes at 4 weeks old babies develop what we call a need for alone time. they prefer this after feeding time. simply put them in their crib and close the door. that way they can reflect on all the boob suckage they've had throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

wow! amazing how quickly woman forget those early weeks, right? hate to say it but, don't bring kidless people into the mix. they actually get mad or annoyed when a baby makes noises. like "oh my gosh... that thing is human?" or something.

i'm happy you're able to process what your aunt and grandma were doing was just them trying to be "helpful". you have a really great handle on things, it seems. and now, you just relax and enjoy the rest of your time off, right? =) he is an adorable baby, btw!

shedubeard said...

oh my gosh this sounds so familiar. My gram did that to me with both kids. When Ruby was 3 weeks old we had Thanksgiving at my house and my Grandma said to me - Oh don't worry if she starts crying, we'll just shut her in your room and give her some alone time to cry it out - What!!! That's just stupid. I thought, if you don't want to be around a crying baby why are we having Thanksgiving at all. Babies cry.

shedubeard said...

dammit! I didn't even know I was on Neil's account - that's annoying.

- Bri