Friday, March 21, 2008


I feel really tired and kind of cranky this morning. I don't why...I haven't really been doing much. Probably because spring break will soon be coming to an end. Tomorrow it will be just the weekend. I hoo, right? I told myself I would never get that way. My mom was always like that, couldn't enjoy days off because that meant the next day she'd be going back. I still have some school work to do and I'd like to get it done so I'm not stuck Sunday night doing it all...but on the other hand, I don't want to do it, and I feel like to get myself out of this funk I need to do what I want to do. Like play some Zelda. I started wind waker again yesterday. I still haven't touched the new game for the wii. I think I'm scared of it. Wind waker was the first or second Zelda I ever played so it felt really familiar and nostalgic to me. I'm more comfortable with it.

I'm really sore still from our hike on Wednesday. We went up Squaw Peak which was pretty spectacular. Also very strenuous...I don't think I'll be doing that again for a while. It kind of wiped me out. Not to mention that it gave me a wicked sunburn.


Anonymous said...

are you feeling any better? all those things are normal for the first trimester and apparently go away for a few months before the third trimester begins.
Are you starting to show yet?

Jaime said...

I'm feeling pretty good now...still don't like most food that much. Not really showing yet and I'm still exhausted all the time!

Anonymous said...

the lassitude doesn't really go away, unfortunately. But, once you start showing and feeling the little baby squirming around in there, it kind of makes up for all of this 'yucky stuff' part... well, for the most part. I am sure some mom's would disagree. =)

I am so excited for you!

Unknown said...

the exhaustion sucks big time. The worst is that you can't really drink much caffeine and even if you could its not a normal tired that would be pepped up by a good cup of coffee. Luckily you will have this summer off to take extra naps in the afternoon.