I hate you Netflix! One of my last true joys at this time is receiving a bright little red envelope in the mail. Lately those envelopes have contained scratched or even cracked DVDs. Now, we seem to have sent our latest movies to the Bermuda Triangle. Granted, Monday was a holiday but it's not like it was Mother's Day where the mailmen are inundated with cards and such. I put the netflix in the mailbox on Sunday...this means they should have gone out Tuesday and arrived and been processed on Wednesday. I should have had my first two discs of LOST season 1 on Thursday!! Instead, my netflix account still thinks I have a stupid Jim Carey movie at home! Maybe it's the post office I should be mad at. We never had problems in Michigan or even at Greenspoint. Maybe it's our stupid mail-carrier. Shows up to deliver the mail at 5 p.m. or later, slow and not friendly. Maybe someone
knocked over the mailbox by Subway. I'm sorry Netflix, I still love you.
*10 points if you can guess where the title quote is from.
i don't have to do an internet search to be fairly certain it's a friends quote.
more than likely, either your phoenix distribution center sucks or your mailman is watching your dvds. we had a lot of problems a while back. late deliveries, cracks, and lost dvds. at the time, i was fairly convinced a jackass mail employee was watching all of our dvds. how would he/she do it without opening the envelope? simple. the paper can easily be rolled so that the dvd slides out. i always thought it was odd when the little round sticker on the bottom of the envelopes was unstuck.
i think it's possible to complain to the postal service if you think there may be a problem on their end. if anything, you should ask them why your mail is being delivered after 5pm. 1-800-ASK-USPS
Heck Yeah it's from friends! The one where Monica has to invite Joey's parents to the wedding and Joey tells her that his parents hate the post office and the Irish. Isn't that the one where Rachel kisses her old college friend played by Wynona Ryder?
Uh...yeah it is! Ten point to Gryffindor...I mean both of you.
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