I've been having weird dreams lately...about going back to work at j.crew, about The Office ~ in this dream I actually said "Pam-a-lamma-ding-dong" apparently in imitation of Michael, and of course about school.
I borrowed the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series from a woman at work. I'm kind of sad to finish it...I've been getting to know the books all summer and now I don't want it to end. I'll be reading it slowly anyway...not much time to read for fun anymore.
The first two weeks of school were really tough. They wiped all my energy and every waking moment is spent thinking about school. I just can't turn it off.
I want to wish both Ted, and Jenna and Brett good luck in Florida! Hurricane season is always the best time to move to Florida, I say.
Both Ted, Jenna and Brett that sounds alot like 3 people. I hope your not in charge of teaching the kids how to count.
i hope "you're" not in charge of maintaining the english language, white girl.
"Jenna and Brett" are a single entity now that you live together...you know like Jaime and Dave or Neil and Bri or Zac and Teresa.
no we arent married it doesnt count.
Yes you are and yes it does.
I dont have a ring
Neither are Zac and Teresa.
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