Saturday, January 06, 2007


It's a good question, albeit overused by some people. I always ask myself "why" as a way of understanding behavior, either my own or someone elses. For instance:

Why doesn't Bishop like it when people hug?
Why do otherwise upstanding citizens like to go out and "get stupid!"?
Why do I say mean things to my mom sometimes?
Why do some people have to constantly let you know all the things they've done and are doing?
Why do I find it so difficult to make decisions?
Why would anyone ever want to be a kicker?

Sticking with the football, today I posed this question: Why does the television camera rest for a few seconds on the helmet that has recently been ripped from the head of an athlete? No tragedy has occured, no one is injured. What kind of poetic statement is this camera operator trying to make? It must be a frustrating job, being a camera operator. Being so close to fame, yet remaining so unknown. Their shining moment comes during Holiday games when the producers decide it would be fun for the cameramen to shoot each other waving or holding signs saying hello to loved ones. Perhaps one day, this cameraman's spinning helmet footage will be heralded in camera operating history. Maybe one day a rookie operator will look at his mentor, mouth agape, eyes wide, and say, "Joseph Addai's spinning helmet in the first 2007 Wildcard game...that was you!?"


Jen said...

over used you say why's that? I'm just learning new things by asking

Jaime said...

Don't you mean..."whyyyyy's that?"