Because of recent events, I'm feeling slightly better looking than my significant other, as I'm sure you are too. So, in response to mustache month, I am proposing shaved head month! That oughta even out the playing field, eh? Or how about...hairy underarm + tank top month? Let me know your thoughts on these ideas, we must do something to ugly up for the next month. Ooh ooh, one more...how about all spandex, all the time + eating nothing but junk food month!! Just let me know when we should start this...pictures will follow soon.
I havent shaved my legs in about 2 weeks - I've got a good start on something.
ooh ooh!
girls let their leg hair grow, guys shave theirs off month.
or "hairless shedu month" would be cool too.
I say we go for the whole look. Shaved head, hairy armpits, hairy legs, wearing spandex and eating nothing but junk food- now that's pretty!
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