What? Is the whole world out drinking or something?? I'm glad I don't go to "the bar". Yes, it would be fun to see idiots getting stupid(er)...yes, it's kind of 'festive' to have a green beer...yes I could use a drink after this week. Even with all that, I just don't care that much or have the occasion to go out. Who wants to yell over a hundred people? Give me a coffee shop over a bar any day of the week. I understand, I guess, why some people like it so much...no I don't. Single people, you don't want to meet your spouse at a bar! Married people, go on a real date! I guess a night out with the friends could qualify. I don't know, it doesn't matter. People will still go to the bar and I will probably go sometime too...someday when I'm cool enough.
what is cool?
Oh the appeal of blurred features, slurred speach, and a fuzzy recollection of conversation. Sounds like a great place to meet ones spouse.
So true. I went to panera for dinner and movie with a friend.
Green beer is not my thing.
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