We finally let him play...and I kicked his butt. Only because he made the mistake of teaching me how to play. Yes, I'm talking about Stemshul's favorite game, Monopoly. I'm coming around on the game...he's right, it is much better when you play the right way. After some discussion last night, we decided that he should get to play his favorite game at least once a year. Not really sure when the last time we played was, but I'm sure it's been at least a year. I don't know why we started playing at 11pm...we're dumb, real dumb.
that's not dumb, that's fun.
if you were starting trivial pursuit at 11pm, that would be dumb. like, sending-out-press-releases-and-eating-them dumb.
I would play for another 4 hours just to watch him lose again
You didn't do too bad yourself Miss 500s.
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