Thursday, February 09, 2006

Whiney whine whine

Okay, I've just gotta say that I couldn't be more sick of the New Year's Resolution/Blogging/Smoking/Whining posts. Here's a shocker...people don't want to read posts everyday or every other day that are defending your not posting every day or every other day. Why don't I just give you both an easy out, it's something you might say to a first grader:

Please!! If you don't have anything nice to post, then don't post anything at all. Wait...I don't about this:

If all you're going to post is a whine about not being able to post, I, the supreme highness of uncoolness, and utter and unbelievable genious, grant you clemency for the crime of breaking your New Year's Resolution.

'Nuff said...

(Please excuse this whiney post about not posting)


katohater said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

That should be your screen name. We could call you SHUUUG for short :)

I love it so much that it is now your link on my blog.

katohater said...


Jaime said...

Whoa...that's like my rap name. It's pronouced like the first syllable of sugar, only you have to hold the short u sound for three counts and nod your head in a totally badass way while you say it. Aaww yeeah.

katohater said...

awwwww zhyeah.