Well...we're really getting down to it now. I only have two more days of Happy Valley classes left in the semester and only 12 more official school days in the semester. I would still really like to experience a snow day sometime this year, so come on snow!! I'm super ready for the day off this Thursday even though we'll have things to do. What do you eat for Thanksgiving breakfast anyway??
The baby shower went swimmingly, even though I was like the walking dead. We had good food

and good punch and no one overate. This is quite often the problem with me and my friends. Our parties generally revolve around a counter or table full of food and beer. And although we didn't break out the Catchphrase (another common occurrence at our parties) we had some fun different games. Oh yeah...and we got the yearbooks out. But we did you one better,
Stemshul, by getting out the video tape too. That's right, sixth grade talent show featuring Devil with the Blue Dress On, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Rock Around the Clock, and a stirring rendition of YMCA starring all of our middle school teachers. We were hysterical...I'm so glad I found that tape.
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