Monday, August 08, 2005

tickle me emo

Yes, today is in fact emo blog day. How did this all start, you might ask? Well once upon a time, this one frigin' sweet girl at work and this other supercool girl at work were talking about dressing all "emo" and going to this concert. I wondered aloud what "emo" was and they proceeded to tell me about the emo-tional genre of music and the way of life that it's listeners adapt.

Since then I guess you could say I've been somewhat obsessed. So, I don't really listen to the radio all that much, and when I do it's usually classic rock or something, but I was amazed that there was this whole genre of music that I was totally unaware of. And these people, who are they?? Are they really just the same kind of whiny teenagers and twenty-somethings of the 80's and 90's who dressed in black and were all deep and shit? Or maybe I was impressed with the abundance of emo that I began seeing was like 64. Okay, not quite like 64, but you get the picture.

Whatever the reason for my quasi-obsession, I soon learned that there is so much emo in the world, and that sometimes I just can't take it. Besides emo, there's also screamo, preemo, and many other sub-genres to be heard...or listened to and not heard...or not understood and not listened to...or...I don't know...I'm not sure what the complaint is. Anyway, I guess this is just my tribute to all things emo.

Oh yeah...almost forgot...

Likes: puppies and kittens
Dislikes: clocks
Current mood: happy-ish
Currently listening: prozac unknown

have a sucky day!


Amber Lynn said...

Oh my fabulous post. I can barely handle it. Of course I lost one of my This Providence's pins today.

p.s. I'm preemo.

Jaime said...

Thanks! I had to do some hardcore searching to find the name of that better wear your dream argyle (read: hot dog sweater) to the next concert...that's preemo, right??

walid elarawy said...

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