Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Hmm..let's see. Post everyday! Nope, can't do that one anymore. Umm...exercise more! Well, I'd like to, but don't really see that happening. nicer to people? Ya know, but I was pretty nice last, I think this year is going to be about me. About going for what I really want. When I have a decision to make, I'm going to ask myself only two questions:

"Is this good for ME?" and "Is this what I want?"

Maybe this sounds selfish. You see, I'm not excluding Dave from this decision making process because we're married. Therefore, what I want is what he wants too...or else. more Mrs. Nice Lady, I'm doing what I want. Oh, I'll still be's nice to be nice. I just won't be nice to point where I'm gritting and grinding my teeth into a smile whilst cursing people out in my head because I'm doing something that is not what I want.

And a Happy New Year to you.


Unknown said...

Whoohoo for thinking about Jaime!

Anonymous said...

it's not selfish to want to take care of yourself and your wants/needs first. You're a woman with no kids, it's your right.
Have a great year!