Monday, December 03, 2007

American Gladiators

Is anyone else excited about this? I loved that show. I don't remember watching another show as religiously as this one besides Full House during that time. Blaze, Ice, Lace, yeah they were kind of gross looking with their over-sized muscles and tiny leotards, but they were still awesome. Thunder, Malibu, they were hotties...maybe their hair was longer than mine, and they were prettier than me, but who cares! I can't wait for the remake of this show. I hope it's as cheesy and deliciously 80s as ever!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I saw the commercials for it the other night for the first time and freaked out. I can't wait! That show was always so awesome.

Anonymous said...

When does it start I better tape it.

chooiegoos said...

i always liked the end of the show with the obstacle course.

katohater said...

you better "tape it?" what is this, the middle ages? get a dvd recorder or tivo, white cro-magnon girl.

Ted Torreson said...

I used to have a toy of blazer!