Sunday, July 22, 2007

Running and wait...just reading

I bought some new tennis shoes on event that hasn't occurred in probably 10 years. It was painful, just ask Dave. I am very indecisive and cheap...a bad combination when shopping. I always think there will be something I like better and that is less expensive right around the corner. Frequently I end up not buying anything because of my inability to make up my mind. I liked the way these looked and they were on clearance...still $50 bucks though. I tried on the $39.99 Reeboks and they just looked ugly. If I'm gonna have these for another 10 years, I guess I'd better like the way they look.

On a different note...I am officially a Harry Potter fan. I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to this sort of thing and I'm only half-way through book 4. I'd seen all the movies (1-4) and just started the books this summer. I really want to see Order of the Phoenix in the theater but I am going to finish book 4 first. I'm so nervous with all this Harry Potter hype because of the movie and the last book, I don't want any spoilers. It's just so stressful knowing that the last book, the ending, is out there and people are reading it...people are finished reading it! I'll just have to be very careful until I have finished the series. Until then, with regard to the ending...Keep it secret, keep it safe!

1 comment:

katohater said...

the secret is that harry potter is actually jesus.
