Wednesday, June 27, 2007

That song's from the '60s

The move is pretty much over, and a couch decision was made. We did go the more comfortable route with the EKTORP. They had a white cover for less than $40 but we felt like that would be money down the drain anyway, so we went with the beige which was about $100. I think it was the right choice. We found a lot of other things too and ended up spending almost $700. But I figure, we were looking at loveseats that cost that much anyway, and this way we ended up with patio furniture, lamps, 2 new duvet covers, and several other little things as well.

I love our new place. It's very bright and it feels bigger. So far it's been much quieter, but we are on the top floor (only 2 floors here) and the apartment below us is empty. The dogs are very confused...Hudson keeps trying to go up every set of stairs we come to and Bishop still thinks we live on the ground floor. Going up and down the stairs is interesting too. Hudson's paws slipped through once and now he's overly's kind of cute. I think they're also confused because Dan hasn't "come home" in several days.

What is it about birthdays? I always get introspective and emotional. I was watching this segment on Good Morning America about a Georgia soccer team of refugees and just lost it. I guess this sort of thing makes me weepy anyway. It's strange to be away from my friends and family...I've never had a birthday like this before. At least I don't feel like a nerd for not doing something totally awesome for my birthday. It'll be a quiet night and Dave and I will probably go out to eat...sounds totally awesome to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!!!!