Friday, June 15, 2007

The confusion sets in is hot! It's funny though, because you can still function. They tell you to get things done early...and they mean's 11 a.m. and it's 97 with a high of 108 today. I took the dogs for a walk at 10 and it was hot, but it was definitely bearable. Maybe it's psychological because I know the temp will continue to rise, and I certainly don't want to live in this climate forever, but it's really not too bad as long as you don't have to be out in the sun.

I'm starting to get a taste of what "summer" will be like after next week. I don't know how you ladies that are home a lot of the time do it. I have so much rolling around in my brain...things to clean, things to pack, projects I want to start, school stuff I want to get done, spending extra time with the doggies, not to mention some relaxing time for myself...I'm at a loss for where to start or which is priority. I guess as a general rule, I'm thinking:

1. Walk the doggies first thing...before it gets TOO hot
2. Do house "chores"
3. Lunch, a little T.V., more doggy time
4. My projects, school or otherwise
5. Whatever is left...more chores, maybe some baking, things I've forgotten

Who knows...all I know is that I'm excited! Only 4 days of summer school, woo hoo!


David said...

I love that picture. If I remember correctly, you had just said to me: "Oh really? You dont think I can jump it? Watch THIS!"

Jaime said...

Thanks...and you don't remember correctly. I was admiring the geological features on which I was standing and you said "Honey!" I looked up with a "Whaaa?" and almost tumbled over backwards.