The last thing I should be doing right now is this...but, what the hay? I started my "para-sub" job last Thursday, the same day I accepted the position in AZ. I'm still planning on staying there Monday thru Friday until the start of MEAP on October 9th. I'm completely done at the ice arena, although I am still tying up all the loose ends...such as final bills, making sure everyone knows, etc. J. Crew is being totally awesome and flexible (as usual) with my schedule in these last few weeks. The only area of my life that is not in order right now is...well...everything else. I get out of school at like 4pm, a reasonable hour, but then most nights I have something else going on too. Whether it's meeting with people, or bible study, or Mr. PP, most nights I don't get home till 8. Do you think I really feel like organizing and packing and making arrangements and planning curriculum then?? Hell no! I feel like sitting on my butt, popping in a disc of LOST, and vegging out! So, I guess in an attempt to feel somewhat productive, I'm blogging. Lucky you.
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