Monday, July 10, 2006


Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was getting ready for student I've graduated (finally), summer's almost halfway done, there's no job in sight for me, and I feel like school is just around the corner. It makes me sad.

Luckily, camping is coming up very quickly AND in addition to this, Kato and his special lady friend are coming to stay with us! I am very excited about this...we've never had houseguests before...except for whitey, who wasn't so much a guest as a roommate. I hear a rumor that SLF is nervous about the catchphrase...I would have addressed this on her blog but I can't comment on myspace. A word of advice:


Schedule of Events for July:

Monday 7/24, 10pm ish - Pants party celebrating the arrival of Kato and SLF
Tuesday 7/25, 5pm ish - grocery shopping party for camping
Wednesday 7/26, 12 pm ish - Cram 7 people and 3 dogs and all their shit into 2 cars and make our way to Young State Park
Wednesday 7/26 thru Friday 7/28 - Hike, swim, chop wood, and eat our brains out
Friday 7/28, 11am ish - Cram 7 fat people and 3 fat dogs and all their shit into 2 cars and make our way home
Saturday 7/29 - sleep, work, see real family, whatever
Sunday 7/30, 2pm ish - Cake, cookout, and catchphrase at the shedubeards
Monday 7/31 - sleep, work, see real family, whatever
Tuesday 8/1 - Say our sad goodbyes to Kato and SLF


Anonymous said...

dang... whitey is short. She looks like she is about a foot shorter than stemshul in that picture.

Jen said...

SIN OF A BITCH....its petite not short.

Jen said...

I mean name got me all frazzled

Anonymous said...

hahaa. sin of a bitch sounds better, in fact that is now being placed into my words used only for work vocabulary ;)