I was a kindergarten teacher today. It was interesting, at this school kindergarten is all day, but they go every other day during the week. If you ask me...which no one is actually doing...a full day is too long for 5-6 year olds. They were great in the morning, a little chatty but that's normal, especially with a sub. They were quiet in the halls, excellent in a bike safety assembly, and quiet during shared reading. Then they came back from lunch and they turned into little monsters. Let's forget the fact that they were expected to sit and work independently in the computer lab for 45 minutes! I mean 45 minutes!?!? Current research shows that the attention span of a six year old is roughly 15 minutes. These kids were ready for a nap even without being forced to sit quietly in front of a computer screen. What is going on?? We expect students to do much more at much younger ages. I walked in this morning half expecting a milk cart to arrive for snack, play tables, and a scheduled nap time. What do I know? I think it's crazy and our system is moving backwards. Forcing children to excel in things that they are not developmentally ready for is not the answer. In addition, parents are now expected to teach their children the things they used to learn in pre-school and kindergarten before they can even be admitted to pre-school. How is that for increasing the gap between the haves and the have-nots? Let's face it, there are many parents that either don't have the time, don't have the money, or don't have the ambition to teach their children much while their at home. These things transcend race and income level. There are plenty of families that are "well off" in which children are of low priority. Mom just wants her life back and little billy and suzy get carted around to day care and what not. I don't know anything...these are just some of my thoughts on the subject, and like I said...no one's asking me.
You're right on with all of it in my opinion (no one saw that coming, right?)
It's like parents want their kids to learn soooo much but dont want to participate in the process. So both parents and schools expect more more more out of the kids not even realizing that sleep and active play (I've heard some schools want to get rid of recess)help kids learn more and they don't short circuit.
But that's not the way our society works, is it? Bigger, Better, Faster. More More More. It's really sad.
I dont know whats going on.
your stomach is hot, stemshul.
I told you dude
yeah great stomach, you could use a boob job though. they're looking a little flatty.
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