I feel just like a kid again. It's 5:30 am and even though we're not leaving until Monday morning, I can't sleep because I'm just too excited for this cruise. Also, I've decided to get my haircut by a professional this morning so that may have something to do with it. For the last year or so either Stemshul or myself have taken care of all of our haircuts.
I started packing yesterday and I think I'm almost done. It's very different packing for a Spring Break vacation...you can pack a week early if you like because you're most likely not wearing any of the clothes you're packing while you're in town.

Went to the woods yesterday and spring has not yet sprung. Everything was brown and gray, and since there's been little precipitation of any kind, the creek was low and slow moving. There were a couple of new downed trees, Stemshul and Ugly alway find that quite interesting. I've decided that I need to get a camera that will record video and audio. I told Stemshul that I might like to use our current camera as a "school" camera and that we should get a new one. What I really needed to do was make this seem like his idea. He was quiet after I metioned this, as if he was thinking,
that's something I would say...how can I make this my idea??? Or better yet,
Ha ha...my plan worked perfectly! She thinks it was her idea! Anyway, I was thinking this (I think
I was thinking it) because I took a couple of videos while we were out there that seemed really dry without sound. One was still quite funny because we were there...I suppose I could give a play by play with it. I think it would go something like this:
S: If I could pull this broken section down, you could walk down it.
Me: No...it's too flimsy
U: Jump up there and pull it down
S: Jenna, move these sticks
U: There's a lot of duck shit up here
put up the video
Yeah...I'm working on it.
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