Tuesday, April 25, 2006

10 things I hate about me

Why am I still up?? Can't answer that one, except that I have a thousand things on my mind because I spend too much time planning and listing and plotting and thinking and not enough time doing. And now that I made myself get up to do some of these things, I can't because it's 1:40 in the frickin' morning! I hate that I'm a sloth. Especially at night, I can't make my fat ass get off the couch and do something productive. I hate that I don't tell people how I really feel. Good or bad, I just want to be honest but I'm afraid of what they'll think. I hate that I over analyze every little mundane detail of my insignificant life. I hate that I want more for myself but will never do anything about it. Oh wait...I just might plan and list and plot and think about ways to have more. I hate that I present myself in different ways to different people. I hate that I don't know just which one of these presentations is really me...okay, I have a pretty good idea about that one. I hate that I feel like I'll be happy "if only...(insert anything here)". I hate that I'm finally graduating on Thursday after 7 long years and I just can't be happy about it for one frickin' second. I hate that I can't post text and images at the same time...okay, that one's on blogger. Is that 10? It doesn't matter...none of this matters.


katohater said...

that's quite the laundry list of hate. i likes it.

as i see it, you only have two options:

own your problems and act as if there is no other way for you to be.


fix the problems and try to be happy with nothing to complain about ever again.

AlyKat64 said...

I feel your pain sister!

Jaime said...

I agree (mostly) with option #1...I've always felt this way. Sometimes the hate must be vented though.

Unknown said...

Vent away! It always helps to put things in perspective. We all need people just to listen once in a while.