Well...I might as well make it official: I am officially NOT doing my homework right now. Not only am I not doing it by reading all the blogs I frequent, checking my email, and watching the photos change on the google desktop, but I am now actively participating in another activity that draws me away from the task at hand. Oh well, I guess sleep is not a luxury I will be enjoying tonight. I know it's my own fault and I keep saying year after year that I will get better...but year after year I continue to procrastinate. Now if I would just spend the 90 minutes or so it takes to do some of this stuff after class, I would be all set and wouldn't be here blogging just to get out of doing my homework. I mean come on, I'm ruining my lengthy-time-between-posts streak here...this has got to be serious.
We saw
Little Shop of Horrors as DeVos Place today. It was fun and very entertaining.
LSoH was one of my favorite movies growing up. Rick Moranis plays Seymour and Steve Martin plays Orin the Dentist which is very funny. Once the show started it was this warm, familiar feeling and I felt like I could run up on stage to be an understudy for any character at any moment. The second half was markedly slower and unfamiliar to me. The ending of the movie is much different than what we saw at the show today. But it was still fun. After, it was off to Don Pablos for some tasty mexican food. I know it's not the real deal
kato, but I feel it's pretty close. And now, here I am, just biding my time...you know it has to be at least midnight before I can start any papers or other homework.
don pablo's is good. i've had it. and aside from that authentic mexican place uglykid showed me, it's about the best you are going to get in the mitten state.
i've seen this place around here called "nico's tacos" and i've been wanting to check it out. i have a feeling that i haven't even scratched the surface down here yet.
i wish they'd make a sequel to LSoH and call it "Big Shop of Horrors". i don't know what it would be about, though.
Jaime! I haven't seen you in too long.
jojoba. it makes your hair feel soft.
i love adobe, but that's because i get more than just chips and frickin' cheese.
i remember when i used to eat simple food. then stemshul kicked my ass and made me see the error of my ways. i still won't touch mayo, though.
blogger sucks.
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