So I don't know...life sucks...blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm a whiner. I don't care, I'm tired and burned out and I'm really crabby. Just ask my husband...who brought me really nice flowers today! Maybe I'm a whiner because I'm spoiled? Maybe I'm bipolar, hmmm...I'm definitely a hypochondriac. I have everything, not actual sicknesses, just mental disorders and disabilities. Yup...did you know that I have depression, autistim, ADD, social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder? Yeah well, even without any of these, I've just plain got problems.
Schizophrenia: When someone tells you their mom just died and you start laughing.
So Im told.
Is that a mom joke I hear
Its a quote!
it is definitely a quote and quotes are exempt from tibbing.
Well if It's a quote its suposed to have " " marks around it. AND I dont see any of those.
well, you know where to find his knee.
tib the shit outta that mofo.
Youre welcome to tib me Whitey... Just remember that once you tib, you must allow tibs.
Do you ever try to say the word verification word?? Right now I'm looking at "uqaheeo"...it sounds like something fun!
Do you have a fixation on doorknobs or french literature? If so I may know of another problem...
does he have a scrote, or is he like mcfly?
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